Update News

Hotline IT Solutions is updating its Inventory Management System and Mobile management System.

Domain and Hosting

Economic Plan:
    10 GB Disk Space
    Unlimited Bandwidth
    10 Email Addresses
    Wordpress / Joomla Setup
    With  1 Free Domain Registration (.com/ .net/ .org)
Rs. 5000/- Only
Contact us at: +923007942660

Website Designing and Development

We have a plan of web designing and development in PHP, HTML, Java, CSS with Domain registration and Web hosting. We also provide the service of uploading and changing in your existing Website design at the lowest charges.

Charges start from Rs. 5,000/- but it will be depended on your website design and development.

Domain Registration & Cheapest Web Hosting in Faisalabad

We have the cheapest web hosting plan and domain registration in Faisalabad.
Basic Cheap Plan:
1 Free Domain Registration (.com/ .net/ .org)
10 GB Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited Email Addresses
Wordpress / Joomla Setup
Rs. 5000/- Only
Contact us at: +923007942660

Mobile Management System Snapshots in Oracle 6i

Making Date Sheet Form

In this form you (Schools, College) can make date sheet for your school or college.

Teacher’s Duty Roster Form

Teacher’s Duty Roster Form
            In this form you can assign duty of a person or teacher to a specific grade / class or a project. It is developed in Oracle Developer 6i forms and reports.

Updates records status automatically

Hotline Software House team is working day & night to improve the quality of its software. Here done more for our customers to see all database total records on one Oracle Forms 6i … it checks and updates records status automatically.