Update News

Hotline IT Solutions is updating its Inventory Management System and Mobile management System.

Mobile Management System

MOBILE SHOP SOFTWARE: This software is meeting the all needs of mobile shop, purchasing, selling, accessories etc. It has the following silent features:

Ø  Mobile purchasing
Ø  Mobile selling
Ø  Accessories purchasing
Ø  Accessories selling
Ø  Item creation
Ø  Customer information
Ø  Supplier information
Ø  Salesman information

Ø  Mobile purchasing report
Ø  Mobile selling report
Ø  Accessories purchasing report
Ø  Accessories selling report
Ø  Stock balance report
Ø  Profit and loss sheet
Ø  Trial balance sheet
Ø  Item report
Ø  Customer report
Ø  Supplier report
Ø  Datewise purchasing report
Ø  Datewise selling report
Ø  Supplier wise purchasing report
Ø  Salesman wise selling report

Ø  We customize the software according to the needs of our customers

Ø  We provide online support to our customers from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm 7 days
Contact Us +923007942660 Faisalabad Pakistan


Inventory Management System

Here, we have developed a Inventory Management System, in Oracle 6i Form Builder, for a medium and large business controlling on a high level. Example form Item Form, Purchase Form and Sales Form.

Sales Form

Sales form is developed in Oracle 6i, in this form you can enter sales entry with
Item description, size, qty, rate, discount, amount, party name, sales person etc

Trial Balance Report in Oracle 6i

Trial Balance Report is an important report in Accounting Management System, we have developed it in Oracle Report Builder 6i.

Employee's Form in Oracle 6i

We have developed a new employee form in oracle forms 6i.